Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Go Go Gadget Laptop!

This post was originally posted at my Windows Live Spaces blog. [View original post]
MarkKB's Blog Tue Aug 15 2006
You may have noticed that I haven't been on the internet much these past few weeks (here, few means two), and there's a simple reason for that.
I've got a new laptop!
New in this case being I've just got it recently and it's actually several years old.
'Twas the day after my birthday (which was on the 28th of July, for all who missed it... bad people!) when my grandad came around to pick up some scrap metal to take to The Concource (that's that road that juts off Lincoln after you go over the motorway, the trash disposal center's up there...). Anywho, he gave me this bag, and inside is a laptop! What a birthday present...
No, I don't care it's so old it's got a Windows 2000 product key on the bottom. It works fine for me.
So, for those wanting the specs:

Processor: Pentium III 747MHz
RAM: 192 MB
Video: S3 SavageMX 8MB
HDD: Fujitsu MHS2020AT 20GB 4,200RPM
Optical: Toshiba DVD-ROM SD-C2302
OS: Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP2 (I'm not sure if I updated it to SP2 after I recieved it, or it already came like that...)

There's only an inbuilt dialup modem (which means I have to plug in our USB ADSL modem), one USB port, a network port in the form of an PCMIA card, a serial port, a parallel port, a monitor out, and a video out (for stuff like TVs.) There's also these tinny tiny speakers. Oh, and a speaker out and audio in. And an external floppy disk drive.
I can almost hear the laughing.
Well, in the first week, on... Tuesday morning, I think, the monitor started playing up. I started up in safe mode and found that there was something wrong with the video card's driver, so I disabled it. Unfortunately that meant that 3D programs were slooooow, and full screen video was more than a little choppy. Interestingly enough, at the end of the day, I reenabled it and everything worked. Strange.
Well, in the two weeks following, I've installed the basic things (Internet Explorer 7 Beta 3, Windows Media Playeer 11 Beta, Windows Live Messenger 8, trueSpace 3.2, Paint Shop Pro 5.01, Visual Basic, Age of Empires II and the Conquerors, Powertoys for 95 and XP, ect) and copied meh fanfics and alot of meh projects. Yay CD-RW!

In other news, I updated my site about two months ago and never got round to blogging about it. Oh well. To visit the site, click "MarkKB's Web" above or go to http://markk-b.tripod.com/.
deviantART has just recently celebrated their 6th birthday, and with it the release of dA v5, which features a revramped new look. It's kinda broken under IE7B3... oh well. deviantART can be found at http://www.deviantart.com/.
And, thanks to Tim O'Brien, 10TCA has it's own webpage! To visit it, point ye browsers at http://www.tca.zoomshare.com/. (Note to Tim if he reads this: I don't have SMS. I don't even have a mobile phone. Sad, ain't it?)

Random fact: Today signifies the 61st anniversay of the announcement of the unconditional surrender of Japan, thus ending World War II. (for more info see the Wikipedia articles for the Surrender of Japan and the Gyokuon-hoso (address to the people by the Emperor.))
Quote: I do not know with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones. --Albert Einstein
